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George Hartwell M.Sc.  is a Life Transformation Therapist with over 30 years experience in seeing marriage relationships healed and individual lives transformed.

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Healing of Trauma and PTSD

What is trauma (PTSD - post traumatic stress disorder)? 

© George Hartwell M.Sc.

Exposure to the horror of people being killed through gunshots, bombs and battles produces a lasting impact on people that once was called shell shock. Being exposed to sudden and shocking violence can have the same effect now called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Schocking events seem to penetrate deeply into our consciousness, overwhelm our ability to order and understand them and leave residual unconscious material that seeps into our dreams and waking consciousness.

Ttrauma involves any emotional event that is shocking enough to imbed images, beliefs, feelings and bahiour deep into our heart (Emotional Brain). This imbedded event, the deep memory continues to influence our life unless there is an effective intervention to counteract this negative influence.

And what impact on our life can this imbedded event have? It can result in beliefs about God, life, ourselves and others that are not healthy. It can result in a strong expectation of future abuse that then is fulfilled in our life. We become victims waiting for the accident to happen. It can result in deep inner decisions (inner vows) that lock up our future options and block future action. The best intentions of our mind and will are not able to break the deep spell of this inner vow. It can result in emotional reactions that are disproportionate to the event - but we don't know why. It can result in a variety of unhealthy behaviour patterns, personality patterns, fixed family roles, compulsions and addictions.

As children we do not understand adult expressions, humor, and language and because our imaginations are vivid and our emotions responsive we can be traumatized by things adult say that they don't even mean. A young boy refused to get in the bathtub after being taught in swimming class that one can drown in an inch of water.

Trauma is a life event that is supercharged with emotion and that has a deep, lasting and negative impact on one's life.  An absence or loss of  essential emotional life support can be traumatic.  So trauma can be produced by the horror of sexual molestation, physical and emotional abuse, but also by parental neglect, absence, abandonment or emotional unavailability.

Emotional abuse is wounding another with our words. If we attack another especially one that is vulnerable or a child with emotional intensity and curse or label them the result can be lasting and traumatic.  Prayer intervention in such cases should include some form of breaking off of curses and cutting soul ties such as Jesus in Between.

How to Pray for three long-term impacts of trauma

Think of what Jesus said. He said: "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life." He is the solution. Each aspect of who He is relates to one of the three different long-term impacts of trauma:  The Way refers to actions, habits and behaviour.  The Truth is therapy to root inner beliefs.  The Life is the Spirit of Jesus and this can be invited in to replace demonized emotions bringing deliverance from evil.

The three impacts of trauma are as follows:

1. Effects on behaviour and character patterns, addictions, bad habits, and inner vows. (Ways.)

2. Effects on expectations, perceptions, judgments, thinking, attitudes, beliefs and feelings about things. (Beliefs)

3. Effects that require deliverance from an evil energy, feeling, transference of spirits, etc. (Demonic presence in a wound)

The first impact of trauma

A first impact of trauma is the decisions and behavior patterns that result from the trauma. Specifically a deep decision, called an inner vow by the Sandfords, is made at the time of the trauma. A deep decision that creates a persistent attitude or action. A deep decisions that leads to maladapted behaviour. A deep decision that leads to addictions and compulsions. A deep decision that shapes personality patterns in years to come.

One approach to healing this is to follow the folowing sequence of steps:

  1. Confess the wrong decision that was made.

  2. Ask Jesus to be Lord, Saviour, Healer and Deliverer of the Inner Vow.
  3. Ask Him to show you how He will break the power of the Vow and to reset your behaviour pattern.
  4. Thank Him for taking care of it.

Second impact of trauma

The second impace of trauma is our beliefs.  Beliefs include expectations, prejudices, bitter root judgments, motivating attitudes and fixed unconscious thought patterns. It was our thoughts at the time of the trauma - the words spoken over us or put in our head.  Long after the event is forgotten the beliefs are what we act upon.  This is our truth.  We believe it to be true.  Our decisions are based upon what we believe.

Many times our negative emotions and over-reactions can be traced back to these deeply imbedded beliefs. This unconscious level of thinking that people have said shapes so much: "You are what you think."

Through different forms of Listening Prayer Therapy these underlying beliefs can be swiftly and thoroughly dealt with.  This can bring surprising freeedom and wholeness.  This approach in simple form involves three questions:

  1. What event does this come from?

  2. What did I feel and believe?
  3. What is your truth?

  4. Check back to the memory of the event and see if it has been healed of pain and trauma.  IF there is strong negative feeling present then look at the third impact of trauma.

The Third Impact of Trauma

The third impact of trauma is not always present.  The need for deliverance from a demonically charged feeling is only obvious after the event had been cleared of traumatic beliefs.  If there is lingering negative feeling then invite Jesus to replace that with His Life.  Check to see hat this is done.  Soak in the positive feeling.

Other questions regarding Trauma.

Can parental discipline or Spanking cause trauma?

Discipline is traumatic if it harms another's identity.  Bruised feelings we can get over.  Temporary physical pain may not be traumatic.  Disciplining in anger is also not necessarily abusive or traumatic.  If the one being disciplined understand that the target is his or her misbehaviour then it is not liekly trumatic.  The lasting impact of trauma is the result usually of words that wound the person, that communicate a negative identify.

Parental discipline can be deeply comforting to a child when it communicates clearly what the rule is, that the parent is in charge along with respect for the child as a person. The Bible says that we are to be angry but sin not - don't attack the security or identity of another in your rebuke. The Bible says speak the truth in love - deal with the behaviour or the issue don't attack the person.

Can a parent discipline when angry?

Remember that you do not cause trauma with your emotion but with your words siad with emotion or when the other is in emotion.. If your angry language is focused on the behaviour and not the child trauma may not result.  A good clear statment of the rule during a rebuke can be more effective when there is emotional intensity. Just remember to affirm the child as a person after an angry rebuke. Make up or hug and affirm your love after the rebuke.  To really be sure one can pray and have the child ask Jesus to have some loving fun with the child.

When is Anger wrong or abusive?

Anger is a gift of God when we use it to confront wrongdoing, injustice and obstacles to achievement. Anger is wrong when the words we speak attack the other person, undermine their confidence, hurt them or attack their identity.  Anger which can energize a healthy rebuke.  Correcting behaviour is not abuse. But attacking the person is abuse. Anger adds intensity and spiritual power into negative words producing a curse.

Do I need to ask forgiveness for being angry with someone?

Don't apologize for your anger. Do apologize for what you said if it was directed against the person to intentionally hurt them.

What is Emotional Abuse?

Emotional abuse is usually the use of our words to undermine and attack a person or their worth or identity. ;

Praying to Heal Trauma and PTSD

Use prayer therapy to restore mind and spirit damaged by various forms of trauma.