From George Hartwell of Agape
Christian Counselling - Toronto, Ontario. (416) 234-1850. E-mail
See Counsellor
for photo, bio, credentials, and
Board of Reference.
What does God look like?
A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while
they were drawing. She walked around to look at the artwork. As she
got to one girl who was busy at work she asked what the drawing was.
The girl replied, "I'm drawing God."
The teacher stopped to think. She then said, "But no one knows
what God looks like.
Without looking up from her drawing the girl replied, "They
will in a minute."
Am I going to ?
My friend Johnny heard children saying that a person would go to
for being a bad person, swearing or eating forbidden foods. Johnny
was upset because he knows that God is a loving God. Do all bad
people go to Hell? If we do the wrong or forbidden thing do we go to Hell?
Johnny is right about God being loving. We were created by God so we
could love him. He is loving. He does love us. He does understand us.
When we are bad and sorry about it and talk to God about it, we are
not sent to ,
we are loved, accepted and forgiven by God. That is good news.
God is very good, very healthy, very fair, very loving and a
beautiful spirit. God is so very good, fair, healthy, loving and
beautiful that there is a zero tolerance policy in heaven for all
that is bad, unfair, sick, hateful and ugly in spirit.
Heaven is so filled with love that hate cannot exist there.
God's spirit so fills heaven with what is true, fair and just that
anything that is unfair or untrue or unjust cannot exist there.
God's nature (Spirit) is so beautiful, kind and full of joy and life
that people who's true nature (spirit) is unkind and wanting to
hurt others could not enjoy heaven nor would heaven enjoy them.
It is hard to be around happy people when you are sad. It is hard to
be around honest people when you have been dishonest. It is hard to
be around joyful people when you are full of hate. It is impossible
to be near God if one is dishonest, unkind and full of hate.
God wants us to be with Him in heaven and not go to hell, or burn up.
So he made a way for us to become good, fair, healthy, loving and
beautiful in our spirit. That is good news! :-)
God sent His beloved Son Jesus to be that way. If you don't want to
go to
you can get to be friends with Jesus. Jesus true nature or Spirit is
like God. Being friends with Jesus helps you to become good, fair,
healthy, loving and beautiful of spirit.
The Bible says that those who open their minds and spirits to Jesus
start to become like Jesus and like God. God becomes our Father and
we become His children. We grow to become good, fair, healthy, loving
and beautiful of spirit like Jesus and like God the Heavenly Father.
To make friends with Jesus invite him into your life. How do you do
that? Well, imagine that your life is like a house. Jesus is standing
at the door asking to be invited in. You say to Jesus: "Jesus I
open the door of my life to you. Come on in and be with me."
Then each day say to Jesus: "Jesus, I want you as my friend and
I want God as my Heavenly Father. I want to become more like you. Put
your Spirit in me. Be with me all day, please."
If you do or say something bad. Talk to Jesus about it. Tell him you
are sorry. Ask him if he forgives you. (He will.) Tell him that it is
hard for you to be good. Ask for his help.
With Jesus as your friend you are on the right way to heaven.
That is the good news about going to heaven.
Jesus says: "I am the Way,
and the Truth and the Life."
You can be a blessing to your children if you learn to use self-help
inner healing with your children. I know some parents who have had
the joy of leading their child into a listening prayer that brings
emotional freedom to their child. (See Seeing
below) You can help your child deal with teasing, abuse, bad dreams,
scary experiences. Your child gets closer to Jesus. Outcome: your
child's learning, self-esteem, and sports performance could be
enhanced and their trust of God deepened.