"George is an experienced Christian counsellor you can trust.  He speaks clearly without clinical superiority or labels."

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George Hartwell M.Sc.



George's Mentors



George Hartwell counsellor family child therapist personal coach spiritual director

Mentors in Christian Counselling

Agnes Sanford, The Healing Light

Right after I made that life transforming decision to give my life to God, I was given a significant book about how to pray by Agnes Sanford - The Healing Light.  Agnes Sanford was a significant pioneer voice in Christian prayer and inner healing in the mainline churches.  She taught how to pray; how to pray for physical healing; how to pray for emotional issues and how to pray for the good earth.

Agnes founded and lead Schools of Pastoral Care to teach prayer to clergy.  She participated in the CFO movement (Camp Furthest Out) founded by her friend Glen Clark.

I learned how to pray from reading Agnes Sanford after giving my life to God.  How to pray for inner and emotional healing ws included in The Healing Light.  Agnes naturaly and easily used the imagination in prayer. 

(This practice came under severe attack in USA by groups who hunted for heresy, 'psychoheresy,' and anything associated with 'New Age' or 'Occult' practices.  This group strongly advocates for the devil and groups that serve darkness that the devil has exclusive right to the human imagination.  They attempt to strip the saints of the use of the imagination in prayer.  Their skewed logic is that the imagination is bad; the use of the imagination in prayer is sinful or a 'psychoheresy' because 'New Age' groups use the imagination.  They are, in fact, adding to scripture - which is a sin - by making up new sins that are not Biblically based.  Genesis makes it clear that God created mankind which gives all humans, and especially sanctified ones, the right to all the faculties that God gave us.  The imagination is God given and my prayer practices and teaching make full and foundational use of the imagination in prayer.)

I attended a mission of Agnes Sanford in Calgary (1975).  This was one of her final public teachings.  In my view Agnes Sanford is to be honoured for returning healing prayer to the mainline churches and for breakthrough work in inner healing prayer and prayer for creation.  I honour this 'mother' of prayer and inner healing as my first mentor.  May God be glorified in and through the helpful writings of Agnes Sanford.  (Read Agnes with love and discernment.  Pioneers often blaze some wrong trails and Agnes was not perfect.  She was, though, powerful in the Kingdom of God.)

John and Paula Sandford, Transformation of the Inner Man

Later, I began to study the works of John and Paula Sandford of Elijah House: Restoring the Christian Family, Transformation of the Inner Man and Healing the Wounded Spirit. I attended an early training course of theirs in Alberta (1980), courses they taught in Ontario and collaborated with them in arranging teaching tours in Ontario.
I am deeply immersed and well versed in the material of John and Paula Sandford, not only did I use their material in my professional practice but I also taught courses and, then, trained lay ministry teams at St. George the Martyr Anglican Church with Rev. Bill and Lynda Riesberry based on the above books. Along with Don Blair I produced study materials on each book on a chapter by chapter basis.

Leanne Payne, Listening Prayer

Leanne Payne influenced me when I attended her Pastoral Ministry School in the USA near Detroit. Leanne Payne - C.S. Lewis scholar, author, founder of the Pastoral Care Ministry School - provided the vision and testimonies as to the effectiveness of listening prayer in therapy. Leanne Payne - Listening Prayer,

John Regier, Neil Anderson, mentors

  • John Regier - Biblical Concepts with couples,

  • Neil Anderson - Bondage Breaker,

  • Russ Parker - Healing Dreams, Their Power and Purpose in Your Spiritual Life.

  •  Art Zielstra - Prayer Counselling and my earliest introduction to TheoPhostic concepts of Christian inner and emotional healing.

  • Lorne Shepherd - I was instrumental in launching Lorne's writing.  I met Lorne at Queensway Cathedral Pentacostal Church when Ralph Rutledge was senior pastor.  I trust Lorne's discernment, his deep involvement in counselling and his understanding of emotional healing.

My Board of Reference:

Father Terrence McKenna is the Roman Catholic chaplain at Pearson International Airport where he can be reached at (905) 676-9560. Terry is  Chairman of the Board of Reference.

Letters of Reference from:

Father Bill Comerford - now Director of Service for the Charismatic Service Team of Ontario -  is a member of the Redemptorist Community.  He writes: "I recommend George as a counsellor. He is a wise man with much experience. God Bless, Bill."

Ann Decasseres - member of Board of Reference:

Ann writes: I have known George Hartwell since 1997 and experienced and observed him in many facets and arenas, as co-members of a congregation, as a client and as a participant of his mentoring program and retreats.

My direct experience has been that George is an authentic, principled, caring and gentle professional who is spirit-led and walks in love. He actively and consistently demonstrates respect for the integrity of the individual, while offering wise, prudent, pertinent and challenging counsel for the situation at hand. He is trustworthy, maintains confidentiality and willing sows his time, gifts and talents into the lives of others.

By demonstrating unconditional love, freedom from legalism and practicing effective listening and communication skills, George creates a supportive and conducive environment for clients to grow into all they were created and designed to be.

It has been said "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and the Christian family can excel together to accomplish God's will where there is ongoing encouragement and support for the body."*  In my estimation George functions as a "balcony" person - delivering ongoing encouragement and support to those he encounters and  / or serves in a professional capacity. He exemplifies  "I encourage and edify. I never tear down or destroy" and consistently makes a tangible contribution to expanding the Kingdom.

See letters from Mission to Scotland


For More about George Hartwell see "More about George Hartwell M.Sc. -Christian counsellor" or My Resume or George E Hartwell ancestry




My Mentors

My Board of Reference

My Resume








creativity creative play therapy drama psychodrama humour laughter


George Hartwell - Resume

Office at #125 1454 Dundas Street East, Mississauga (Dundas and Dixie) - (416) 234-1850.

My Mission:

to have the joy of seeing lives healed - emotional and inner healing - through Listening Prayer Therapy and to train others to do the same. More about my heart.

My Education:

·M.Sc., Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary, 1980.

·Ontario High School Teacher's Certificate, Queen's University, 1969.

·B.A., Social Sciences, University of Toronto, 1967.

·Theology, St. Albert Seminary, Edmonton and others, 2 years.



                     learning academic mentor peak coach tutor transactional analyis reality therapy

My Experience 

·Group therapy and family therapy at Alberta Hospital Ponoka (4 years).

·Family counsellor at Preventive Social Services, Athabasca, Alberta (3 years).

·Agape Christian Counselling  - private practice - Toronto (20 years).

My Writing

·Articles on HealMyLife.com

·Life Transformation Therapy (Listening Prayer Encounters) - on web site: www.HealMyLife.com

·Meditations for Sermon Closings: http://www.spirit-net.ca/sermon.html


Mentor / Training in Christian Therapy

DVD's in the form of several courses are available. These provide traing and theory of prayer, counselling, and prayer therapy. 

Learn more through my web log: http://healmylife.blogspot.com/.

Accountability Reports

These are reports from an outside person who interviews one of my clients for accountability purposes

Report from an individual retreat at Mount Alverno Retreat Center, Brother David Connolly reporting:

During that conversation she stated or affirmed the following:

- she felt very comfortable in the environment (Clare's Place) and safe in your presence.

- you were very attentive and a good listener. She felt heard and understood.

- you were kind and very intelligent and clear in your communication.

- with your assistance Ann was able to gain insights, self-understanding and better self-acceptance.

- she appreciated the prayer focus of your encounters which gave her a different (and liberating) perspective of her own experience and her experience of God. Healing occurred.

- she would very much like to continue therapy with you and would not hesitate to recommend you to others.

I hope this is helpful.

Blessings on your continuing work and ministry.

Bro. David 

e-mail Bro David



(416) 234-1850 --- Canada and USA: 1 (877) 854-3990


For Sessions with George, Retreats or Phone Counseling: counselling

(416) 234-1850 for local calls in Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville or Brampton.
 1 (877) 854-3990 for long distance.

E-mail: e-mail G Hartwell

 www.HealMyLife.com (counselling) and www.HealMyLife.net (retreats)


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For more information on the Ralph Rutledge sex scandal, updates to the the Ralph Rutledge scandal and Demons in the Sanctuary - how my blog on this book is progressing.



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see the blog: http://prayer-power.blogspot.com/